Friday, January 16, 2015

The first fifteen challenging days for Year 2015


Salam hari Jumaat semua! Sedar tak sedar kita dah masuk second half of January kan hari ni? Time flies so fast I couldn't even catch up. Looking back to the past fifteen days of my 2015, too many good and bad things happening one after another. That made me realize yang masa kita kat dunia ni sebenarnya kejapppp sangat. It is just a matter of how you use the time accordingly.

By looking only at the surface, tahun 2015 nampak macam tak bermula dengan begitu baik untuk I. Macam-macam sangat benda yang dah berlaku dalam tempoh yang singkat ni. Nevertheless, I am pretty sure semua yang berlaku ada hikmah di sebaliknya. I just need to find out what they are.

Masuk je tahun baru, on 2nd of January I dengan husband had a minor car accident. (People call it minor but to me, that was a major one). It was the first time in my life I have undergone a car accident. Alhamdulillah semua dah selesai, kereta dah masuk bengkel, tak payah bayar apa-apa sebab dapat claim insurance dari driver yang salah. Tunggu masa kereta siap je la sekarang.

Immediate hikmah yang I dapat dari kejadian tu, now I know how to handle an incident like this kalau la ditakdirkan I kena hadapi lagi situation macam ni lain kali. Nauzubillahiminzalik. Kalau la I sorang-sorang masa tu, I might not know what to do and ended up crying by the road side first before looking for help. Well, that's typical Amirah yang memang cepat nervous and kelam kabut ni. haha. :p

Then, the day after the accident, on 3rd of January, my husband left for work assignment in Austria. Sejak lepas kahwin, we did almost everything together. I used to live very independently before this, tapi lepas dah kahwin ni, I always put my husband ahead and everything I want to do must be through him. So bila dia tak ada ni, rasa patah kaki la sikit because I have to do EVERYTHING on my own. :(

But of course, despite all the rindu-rindu husband part, kelebihan yang I dapat bila husband kerja oversea ni, I am back at my parents' house. Yahuuu!! Alhamdulillah Allah takdirkan I kerja dekat Penang, so kalau husband kena kerja jauh pun takde la kena dok umah sorang-sorang. Angkut kain baju balik jadi anak mak and bapak la sekarang. hehehe. :p

Next, on 11th of January, I lost one of the cats I adopted last year due to an unknown illness. Ya Allah sedihnya taktau nak describe macam mana. I wasn't really into cats before this. Penakut yang sebetulnya, but I do love them. So, since December last year, I decided to keep two of my aunt's beloved cats. I never knew within that short time, I can develop a special bonding with a species other than human. Amazing kan ada perasaan sayang macam tu?

Kucing ni binatang yang sangat adorable rupanya. They have the power to mellow the sturdiest heart. I have lost one now, and I hope Allah will give me the chance to take care of the other one as long as possible. Sekarang jadi tanggungjawab I untuk jaga kucing tu dengan baik, I promise myself untuk tak sia-siakan peluang kutip pahala sebanyak-banyaknya dengan menjaga haiwan kesayangan Rasulullah ni. InsyaAllah.

All in all, everything above sums up the first fifteen days of my 2015. Nampak macam diuji dengan bermacam-macam benda yang berlaku, tapi sebenarnya terlampau banyak hikmah yang I dapat di sebalik semua kejadian ni. I am a proud independent wife now, but counting days for my husband to come back at the same time. :)

Hey ladies, let's be strong together okay??
Picture taken from here

So, to my dear readers, tak kira apa je ujian yang berlaku, jom kita hadapi dengan penuh tenang, and try cari hikmah yang tersurat di sebaliknya okay? Till then, I hope you have a great month ahead. Assalamualaikum, bye bye! :)

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