Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Don't over eat your Sahur


Selamat pagi semua! Amboi pagi-pagi buta dah muncul. hehe. I just had my sahur and now while waiting for Subuh I think I'd better do something to keep me fresh and awake. So, here I am, pagi-pagi dah ajak you all sembang kat dalam blog ni. :)

Hari ni dah masuk hari ke-8 Ramadhan, tapi baru dua kali I sahur dengan suami dekat rumah sendiri. Yang lain semua dekat rumah my parents and the in-laws. So dah dua hari bila I tanya husband nak makan apa, he said he just wanted to eat light meal for sahur. Then I wonder what type of light meal in his definition right? Is that nasik goreng? Mee goreng? Roti telur? Sandwich? Or any other similar meals that I think are quite 'light' for me. Then he said, 

"No, just telur goreng and 3 pieces of buah kurma."

"That's all???"

"Yes. that's all".

So, I basically need only 10 minutes, well no, 5 minutes to prepare everything at the kitchen. Goreng telur and bancuh a mug of black coffee for him, and two pieces of bread and a big mug of milo for myself. Ain't that easy peasy??Amazingly, those light meals are more than enough in preparation of our fast for the next day. Alhamdulillah. :)

Our humble meal for sahur.
Please get something to eat even if it is just some water.
In it, there is Barakah. :)

So to all young ladies out there, if you are worried bila ada suami nanti komitmen memasak tu jadi complicated, well, it is actually not. Bila buat apa-apa pun untuk suami dengan hati yang ikhlas, kira masak with love lah orang kata kihkihkih, insyaAllah benda yang simple pun akan dapat keberkatan dia. :)

Okay, sekian kuliah Subuh oleh Ustajah Amirah untuk hari ni.
I better read a few pages of the Al-Quran to fill in some more precious time before Subuh.
Till I see you again next time.
Tata! :)

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