It's a beautiful day. A really beautiful Monday. I believe if you spice up your life on Mondays with positive vibrations, then the rest of the week will be encouraging as well. As for me, I started my day with a very big, fat smile. Like these. :D :D :D
You want to know why? I have no idea why. Really. Hmm, mungkin tak semua perkara mampu disampaikan melalui kata-kata. Hanya hati yang lebih memahami. Jadi, cukuplah sekadar hati. Kecuali kalau ada yang pandai berbicara melalui hati..=)
Owh btw, are there people in your life who are significant to you? Mesti ada kan? Parents adalah yang paling utama dan tiada tolok bandingnya. Buatlah macam mana sekali pun, ibu bapa akan tetap menjadi ciptaan paling indah yang Allah SWT kurniakan untuk kita.
What about the others? People come and go. Nobody will be forever there. Even so your most beloved someone, death will take you apart. What we don't realize is that they just might have the potential to become so much meaningful to us.
And for me, once they're listed as someone of consequence in my life, they'll be there forever. Maybe it's not just the happiness that I feel when I see them, but also the pain I feel when I miss them. Selagi nikmat daya ingatan tidak ditarik kembali, selagi itulah semua insan penting akan terpahat dalam hati.
Walk me through the maze of human life. Confusing and uncovered. [photo courtesy] |
Semua orang pun ada istimewa masing-masing..:)
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