Okay, here comes the sightseeing part! Selama ni bila orang cakap Rome, mesti dok nampak Colosseum je kat dalam kepala kan? I seriously never bother about the existence of other interesting places apart from the Colosseum, maklumla, tu je yang termasuk dalam wonders of the world.
But when I read my
cousin-in-law's blog about her trip to Rome not very long time ago, I become all excited sebab rupa-rupnya ada banyak lagi tempat yang ada dekat Rome tu selain Colosseum. haha. Kesian gila kat orang macam I yang kurang pengetahuan ni. With her travel tips and reviews, we manage to go to almost all interesting places within 1-day! Thank you so much Kaklong!! :)
Benda yang paling kitorang appreciate sangat-sangat is how to skip the massive and crazy long queue at the Colosseum entrance. Kalau tak baca blog Kaklong, mesti kitorang pun jadi macam orang lain jugak beratur tunggu turn nak beli tiket dekat Colosseum. Bukan sikit-sikit tau, there were thousands of people in line, siap melingkar-lingkar ke luar bangunan lagi.
What we did was, we bought the same ticket from Foro Romano with only less than 5 people in front of us. The price is 12€/pp that includes Colosseum, Foro Romano and Palatino. Semua tempat ni just next to each other so you can decide which one to enter first. This ticket is valid for 2 days, tapi dalam sehari boleh masuk sekali je.
The entrance to Foro Romano & Palatino |
See!! Pendek je kena beratur.
Line to enter Colosseo is thousands times of this one here. |
The entrance ticket for Foro Romano, Palatino & Colosseo.
12€ per person. |
So lepas dah beli ticket, kitorang pun start la masuk dalam kawasan Foro Romano tu. Tempat ni kira macam kawasan pentadbiran kerajaan Rome la suatu masa dulu. It is just like a really really big rectangular plaza, surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings. I got sooo thrilled the moment I stepped into the Forum, because EVERYTHING there is beautiful.
I imagined there was like a gigantic royal residence during the Roman's Kingdom placed at the center, and then there must be places for the citizens could gather for commercial, political or religious. Looking at the location of the Roman's Kingdom at the heart of ancient Rome, it must be one of the most important meeting places in the world, and in all history.
Nampak kesan bengunan runtuh dekat belakang tu? |
Vary beautiful |
I forgot the name of this building. :p |
Kalau datang sini, kena spare at least 3-4 hours baru boleh habis pusing keseluruhan tempat ni. Tu pun dah jalan habis laju dah tu. Kalau nak betol-betol baca sejarah semua tempat, rasanya sehari baru boleh habis. Semua tempat nampak sangat cantik, jadi tak tentu arah kitorang dibuatnya. Pictures really don't do justice here, trust me, you got to witness them by yourself.
Royal residence palace |
Sebahagian dari runtuhan bangunan |
The stairs to the House of Augustus, the first emperor of Rome |
Rome city from the balcony of House of Augustus |
Stadium di Palatino Hill |
Lepas dah beberapa jam dekat Foro Romano and Palatino, dalam pukul 11 lebih macam tu kitorang start berjalan ke Colosseo pulak. Bila makin dekat dengan bangunan bersejarah tu, tengok manusia punya la ramai tengah beratur dekat luar bangunan untuk beli tiket. Ramai gila!!! Rasanya belom tentu semua orang kat situ ada chance nak masuk. Kitorang pulak berjalan masuk macam VIP sebab dah ada tiket yang beli dari Foro Romano pagi tu. Seronok gila!!
Approaching Colosseo. A lot of excavation works going on here and there. |
And bila dah masuk kat dalam Colosseo tu, yes, it was indeed the biggest and most beautiful amphitheater with greatest work of Roman architecture and engineering. Disebabkan bentuk bangunan ni yang elliptical, kita pusing kat arah mana pun tetap akan nampak seakan-akan pemandangan yang sama.
At level 1. Sangat kagum dengan setiap perincian bangunan. |
Still at level 1. Antara bahagian yang selamat dari runtuhan. |
They have a lot of spaces like this all around the building |
Level 2. Kat atas sekali tu kerja baik pulih (yang batu putih) sedang berjalan. |
Colosseo ni dulu mainly tempat untuk gladiators bertarung dengan binatang buas. Dalam tu jugak ada macam ruang macam penjara, quarters, and macam kubu pertahanan pun ye jugak. The huge building has partially ruined because of earthquakes. And after a while, it becomes one of Rome's most popular tourist attraction. Tahun 2007 baru dia tersenarai dalam 7 wonders of the world. Memang layak!
Pandangan keseluruhan kawasan yang runtuh. Luas gila, macam padang bola. |
More picture of us. :) |
Pandangan dari luar bangunan. Kitorang datang balik pagi-pagi esoknya
Hari sebelumnya tu terlampau banyak kepala manusia. :p |
Kawasan yang runtuh dari luar bangunan.
Semalam kawasan ni semua penuh dengan orang beratur. |
Perhaps that's a little bit of everything about the interesting places you might want to visit if you are visiting Rome. Sekali sekala melawat tempat bersejarah memang menarik. Rasanya lepas ni nak pegi melawat other wonders of the world la pulak. hehehe.
Okay, I guess that's enough for now.
I still have a few other things to share about Rome.
Hopefully I have time to write more.
Till then, have a great week ahead people!
Tata. :)