Friday, March 28, 2014

First Wedding Anniversary


Today marks my husband and I's one year anniversary. 
Woww, time flies like a laser light nowadays huh? 
Rasa macam baruuu je goosebumps sebelum akad nikah. 
Tetiba dah setahun rupanya? ;O

I know ramai yang tertanya-tanya pasal anak. 
Dah ada isi ke belum? Bila nak ada baby ni? 
Merancang ke? Tunggu apa lama-lama? 
You know, that typical makcik-makcik punya soalan tu?

Apparently, the answer is far beyond our ability to tell
No, of course we are not planning. Not at all!!
Kalau ikutkan hati, we want it right this instance!
Tapi, dah tertulis belum ada rezeki lagi buat masa ni.

Yang bertanya sebab concern tu, I thank you so much. :)
But I am sorry, the fate is not in our hands.
We will keep trying, and let Allah swt do the rest.
He surely knows what, when, and where is the best. :)

So anyway, I had a very wonderful married life for the past one year.
Of course there were petty quarrels here and there.
But those were out shined by every single morning we get to wake up and smile to each other.
If some people say the first year is the hardest, 
Perhaps they are right, and perhaps they are not.
Because mine has been so beautiful and lovely.

Soo, happy first anniversary to my wonderful husband!
Here is to many many more years to come.
I love you before, I love you now, I love you then.
And I pray our love will grow deeper every single day.

p/s: I have a feeling that I don't fit into my wedding dresses already. 
*Insert loud cries*

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

To Allah we belong, to Him we shall return


"With deep sadness and regret, that I must inform you, that according to this new data, flight #MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean." 
-Najib Razak, 10pm, 24/3/2014-

Hmm, what a sad news to end our day last night. It touches my heart deeply, really. Not only me for sure, but the whole world mourns for this latest heartbreaking news. Families and friends jangan kata la, they have been so strong to wait until 17 days, and with this conclusion, I guess there are no right words which could console them.

Tapi sebagai umat Islam, kita tau yang salah satu cara kematian yang baik bagi seorang mukminin adalah dengan mati lemas atau tenggelam. Sabda Rasulullah SAW:

"Kalangan syuhada itu ada lima; orang yang mati kerana wabak, kerana sakit perut, TENGGELAM, tertimpa runtuhan bangunan dan syahid berperang jalan Allah." 
-Hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidzi & Ahmad-

Jadi, sebagai orang Islam, jom kita doakan semua penumpang dan krew beragama Islam yang dianggap telah tenggelam di dalam Lautan Hindi tu termasuk di dalam golongan syuhada, dan kepergian mereka telah mendapat keredhaan Allah SWT dan dikurniakan syurga tanpa hisab. They have been chosen to go that way. Macam mana dengan kita yang tinggal ni? We never know.

Cuma mungkin untuk ahli keluarga kepada mangsa tragedi #MH370, bukan mudah untuk terima hakikat orang tesayang yang diorang hantar kat airport dengan harapan akan jumpa lagi, dikhabarkan tidak akan pulang lagi buat selama-lamanya. Hmmm, I couldn't imagine that myself.

But I know, the mourns and griefs will eventually go, insyaAllah diorang akan jadi bertambah kuat untuk terima kenyataan ni, because the whole world is with them. Kebenaran tentang misteri kehilangan #MH370 ni akan keluar jugak satu hari nanti, kita sama-sama tunggu je la ye. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Home sweet home


Hai everyone! How are you doing? I'm good Alhamdulillah. Harapnya semua orang pun sihat jugak ye. Well, as I told you in my previous entry, I am already back in Malaysia! Having to live abroad for a while taught me so many things. From the smallest to the largest, I totally appreciate everything.

Bila jejak je kaki dekat Malaysia, I was greeted by the most shocking news, about the missing Malaysian Airlines plane, MH 370. Sebenarnya, pagi sebelum kitorang bertolak dari Vienna, my husband told me about it. But you know, I thought it was only a rumour. Zaman sekarang kan tak semua benda yang kat internet tu boleh betol-betol percaya.

Lagi pulak I nak kena go through a total of 17 hours of journey from Vienna to Dubai to Kuala Lumpur. The unwelcome news like a missing plane really freaked me out! So I chose not to think too much about it, and continued my journey as nothing had happened. Alhamdulillah we completed our trip back to Malaysia safe and sound, and here I am, writing from my very own home sweet home. :)

Tapi, bila dah sampai sini, the news that I first thought was only a rumour, is actually shockingly true! And sampai hari ni (hari ke-12), takde satu positive evidence pun yang boleh lead the search and rescue teams in finding the missing plane. It remains a mystery up until today. Padahal segala teknologi canggih yang ada kat dunia ni dah disalurkan, tapi still takde berita lagi. Hmm, sedih kan? :(

My deepest sympathy goes to the families of the passengers on board, tapi selagi takde berita apa-apa pasal kehilangan MH370 tu, rasanya harapan masih ada. Keep on praying, sebab takde satu pun zarah di muka bumi ni yang di luar pengetahuan Allah SWT. He knows it all. Dia cuma nak kita mintak, mintak and mintak, terus dekatkan diri kita dengan Dia.

Okay lah, this is just a warm up entry. Hopefully I will have time to come back with more interesting stories. I owe you a write up on my final visit while I was still in Europe. InsyaAllah nanti I tulis dekat sini okay. Till then, have a nice week ahead people. And please, teruskan berdoa segala musibah yang menimpa negara kita akan berakhir secepat mungkin okay? :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Leaving my comfort zone :)


Selamat pagi semua! Sehari dua ni bila tengok update dalam social media bersepah cerita pasal artis yang rampai suami orang tu. hahaha. Lawak la dunia sekarang ni. Isu remeh-temeh macam ni yang nampak penting, semua orang pakat share. Kita yang taktau apa pun tak pasal-pasal boleh tau masalah rumah tangga depa. haihh.

Anyway, I am about to leave the European land already. Am having mixed feelings now. Sedih nak tinggalkan tempat ni, at the same time excited nak balik pun ada. I had a really pleasant and peaceful time here in Austria, tenang je takyah fikir pasal masalah dekat Malaysia. If I were given chance to choose, I would love to stay here a bit longer. A couple of years would do I suppose. Ahaks. :p

But no, that is not possible to happen. We still have to go back and face the reality world in front of us. I will start going back to work soon, and gotta adjust myself with the challenging life as an adult in Malaysia. Kanak-kanak takpe tak payah fikir masalah dunia. Eh seronok pulak kalau jadi budak-budak kan. Cukup makan, cukup pakai, cukup mainan, seronok la diorang. :)

Tapi cakap je nak duduk tempat orang, but deep in my heart, I still think Malaysia is still the best place on top of other places that I have been to. Kalau untuk timba pengalaman tu boleh la, tapi kalau untuk settle down tu rasanya tak mungkin kot. Baru berapa bulan dah rindu nasik kandaq dengan nasik lemak ni apa cerita? hahaha. :p

Okay lah, cukup sesi sharing untuk hari ni. I have so many interesting things to tell, I just didn't find the right time to do so. Sibuk mengemas kononnya. hihihi. Nanti kalau ada masa I datang balik okay. For now, I will leave you with a picture of the place that I've been to just recently. :)

Guess where? Ada clue bendera kat belakang tu.
Nanti I update pasal tempat ni okay. :)

Perhaps this would be my last entry from Graz.
You'll probably hear me from Malaysia the next time I come back.
Till then, may you have a great weekend everyone!
Assalamualaikum! :)