Friday, March 28, 2014

First Wedding Anniversary


Today marks my husband and I's one year anniversary. 
Woww, time flies like a laser light nowadays huh? 
Rasa macam baruuu je goosebumps sebelum akad nikah. 
Tetiba dah setahun rupanya? ;O

I know ramai yang tertanya-tanya pasal anak. 
Dah ada isi ke belum? Bila nak ada baby ni? 
Merancang ke? Tunggu apa lama-lama? 
You know, that typical makcik-makcik punya soalan tu?

Apparently, the answer is far beyond our ability to tell
No, of course we are not planning. Not at all!!
Kalau ikutkan hati, we want it right this instance!
Tapi, dah tertulis belum ada rezeki lagi buat masa ni.

Yang bertanya sebab concern tu, I thank you so much. :)
But I am sorry, the fate is not in our hands.
We will keep trying, and let Allah swt do the rest.
He surely knows what, when, and where is the best. :)

So anyway, I had a very wonderful married life for the past one year.
Of course there were petty quarrels here and there.
But those were out shined by every single morning we get to wake up and smile to each other.
If some people say the first year is the hardest, 
Perhaps they are right, and perhaps they are not.
Because mine has been so beautiful and lovely.

Soo, happy first anniversary to my wonderful husband!
Here is to many many more years to come.
I love you before, I love you now, I love you then.
And I pray our love will grow deeper every single day.

p/s: I have a feeling that I don't fit into my wedding dresses already. 
*Insert loud cries*

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