Spring --> Flower --> Pollen --> Hay Fever --> Sick Amirah!! :(
p/s: Hari ni hari terakhir musim sejuk. Esok musim bunga dah nak mula. I love spring because this is the time when colourful flowers start blooming. Cantik!!=))
Spring --> Flower --> Pollen --> Hay Fever --> Sick Amirah!! :(
Homemade tiramisu
(photo courtesy http://chefkoch.shanghai-scout.com/)
Snow started to fall
Mula mula memang orang kene papah. Sumpah I tak reti nak jalan sendiri.
Mula nak balance kan badan sendiri
Balancing sudah lari.
Alamak, tergolek jugak akhirnya. Sorry la bro.huhu..:p
Bila dah main snow, acara wajib yg tak bole tinggal mestila buat snowman kan. Eh, memandangkan dia pakai my scarf dgn my sunglasses, kita panggil snowgirl la ye.hehe. Lepas dah puas main dekat ski area tu, kitorang pegi main taboggan pulak. It was snowing very very heavily that time. I was trembling but still have the courage to ride on the taboggan going down the hill.hehe. We spent about 6hours playing snow at Perisher. I couldn't have more, otherwise I will die in coldness. Memang tak best langsung bila snow turun dengan lebat. Pedih mata, muka semua cukup. I ended up sitting in our car, in front of the heater, trembling.
My snowgirl..=))
Video I naik taboggan..:p
Lepas semua dah puas main, we left Perisher at about 2pm. We stopped at a beautiful rest area along the way down the mountain to have our lunch. We stopped once again at Jindabyne for a coffee break before went back to our farmstay. It was still early when we arrived. So we decided to go for a walk at the farm. I mentioned that I had no idea how does a farmstay looks like before this rite? There were horses, bulls, cows, donkeys, alpacas, goose, chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, dogs, etc. Macam dekat zoo pun ada tau. Living there will give you such a memorable value that you will never forget. Have fun looking at the farm pictures okay..
Lunch at a beautiful creek at Mount Perisher
Lepas dah puas jalan2 dekat ladang, malam tu kitorang ade bbq session. Kashfi buat spaghetti bolognaise, Krol buat mushroom soup, Farizal dgn Abg Sham handle bbq chicken and frankfurters, I dengan Kak Emy pusing-pusing tengok diorang masak.hehehe. Best gila bila diorang volunteer nak buat semua tu. We had dinner at 8pm. Lepas tu tgk movie lagi. Tepat pukul 10pm, semua orang pengsan!!! Awal gila kan!! Memang penat gila lepas seharian main snow dengan jalan2 melawat ladang.
Kash and Krol memasak
Farizal and Abg Sham buat bbq
Our dinner; bbq chicken, frankfurters, mushroom soup, spaghetti bolognaise, garlic bread. Yummiee!!!
p/s: Memang best sebenarnya bila dapat experience main snow ni. But for me, I still love Malaysian weather to the max. Somehow, looking at the pure white snow sometimes makes me wonder, where does the white go when the snow melts? Hmmm~~ I don't expect a scientific answer here. It is just fun to let the question lingers..=))
Before the journey
Along the way from Wollongong to Canberra, we stopped by at a few rest areas for photo session. Honestly, highway kat Aussie ni memang membosankan. Tak cantik mcm kat Malaysia. Tapi pemandangan sepanjang perjalanan nak ke Canberra tu memang sangat menarik. The view that we will never get at other places. We straight away went to Cockington Green Garden. Mula-mula ingat nak masuk, tapi sebab kesuntukan masa, we decided not to do so. Maybe we could come again next time.
Somewhere at one of the rest area..ade zebra kat belakang tu.hehe..:p
Cockington Green Garden
Then, we went to War Memorial Museum. Tempat yg bosan ni pun jadi happening dengan adanya budak2 yg suka meloncat 4 orang tu. Haihhh.. Memang tak reti penat agaknya. When it comes to photo session, leave it to them. They always know how to form a nice pose. I dengan Kak Emy tumpang sengih and gelak aje lah tengok telatah diorang. hehehe.
Lunch tepi van. Freezing cold!!
We arrived at our accommodation around 6.30pm. It was freezing there. Luckily the whole house is equipped with a central heater to keep us warm. I dengan Kak Emy terus prepare dinner, orang lain pulak unpack barang yang banyak gila tu.hehe. Malam tu makan sambal tumis udang, masak lemak kobis, telur dadar, dengan marble kek sebagai desert. Rasa mcm makan kat rumah pulak kan.hehe.
Dinner at our farmstay
Lepas makan tu, semua orang dah flat, rehat2 sambil tengok movie. Abg Sham, Kash dgn Krol dah pengsan awal2. penat sangat agaknya. Kak Emy pulak ajar Farizal dgn Syaril buat begedil untuk breakfast esok pagi. Me?? Tengok diorang masak.hehehe..:p Lepas begedil semua dah siap, Syaril and Farizal decided to play card. Dengan Kak Emy sekali pun kene main jugak.hehehe.. At 12midnight, everybody was exhausted enough and we went to bed straight away after that.
Budak2 yg volunteer nak buat begedil.
Play session