Wednesday, February 29, 2012

See you in another four years

Dear diary,

It is less than one hour before February 29th comes to its end. Maknanya lagi 4 tahun baru I boleh menulis pada tarikh ni lagi. Tu pun kalau umur panjang lah. Eh, agak-agak lagi 4 tahun apa jadi dalam hidup kita eh? How do you see yourself in the next 4 years?

As for me, I see myself as a mother with two kids. A girl and a boy. hahahahahaha. Amboi kau berangan!! Siap dah beranak dua tuh. huhu. Tapi apa salahnya buat perancangan kan? Doa semoga dipercepatkan jodoh dan dimudahkan rezeki ye. Amin.. :)

So in the next four years, IF this virtual diary of mine still exists, I will update you with how does my life looks like. Sekarang ni jom kita sama-sama doakan yang terbaik untuk semua orang je kay.

Ohh, malam-malam ni I dok ulang dengar lagu Falling Slowly tanpa jemu. Seriously lagu tu sedap sangat. Very soothing and calming. Layan sorang-sorang dalam bilik time hujan-hujan ni memang best! hihi.. :p 

Falling Slowly
by Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My first photo booth experience

Hi semua!!

I had my very first experience taking silly photos inside a photo booth today yeay!! Eh, tetiba rasa ni bukan first time. 9 tahun lepas penah amik sekali dengan Mr Fiance dekat City Square JB. Tapi masa tu baru belajar-belajar keluar dating. So gambo tegak aje la. hikhik. Tapi gambo tegak itu la yang jadi peneman study sepanjang 6 tahun belajar dekat UTM tau! =)

Gosh, dah dekat 9 tahun rupanya I dengan ex-bf I. Boleh panggil ex-bf sebab sekarang dah panggil tunang. hehe. Kalau ingat balik masa bercinta dari zaman hingusan sampai sekarang, aduii macam-macam rupanya benda nak cerita. Tapi takyah la, let us keep that as our beautiful memories together. Only between us. =))

Okay, back to my photo booth story. Selama ni kalau nampak mesin warna-warni bersepah-sepah dekat mall camtu, I pandang sebelah mata je. Tak pernah teringin langsung nak masuk! Leave alone la nak amik gambaq muka bajet-bajet comey yang orang selalu buat tu kan. Tapi sebenaqnya kedekut takmau spend duit bayaq gambaq warna-warni tu. hikhik. :p

Tapi! Tapi! Tapi! Harini I buat!!! hahahaha. Gelak kat diri sendiri. Seronok rupanya amik gambaq syok sendiri dekat depan camera tu. hahahaha. Tu laa, dulu berlagak sangat kutuk orang. Sekarang bila dapat peluang dia yang over. Sambung gelak lagi. kahkahkah. Okay, diam kau. Penat gelak. 

Kisahnya macam ni. Tadi ada O-Week event dekat uni. So dalam banyak-banyak booth yang ada tu, tiba-tiba ada photo booth jugak sempena O-Week. For Free people!! Free!! Aimi and Fatin la yang racun I ajak join sekali. Orang tak pernah cuba memang jakun sikit la. hahaha. Benda free pulak tu kan. So no harm trying bebeh!

Ni masa kat luar photo booth
Gila gedabak cermin mata suria baja hitam tengok pun takut.

Senang aje caranya. You just need to go into the booth. Push the button by following the instructions, it counts 3-2-1 then takes multiple pictures of you looking silly with your friends. What makes it more interesting was the props and our laughter looking at our own faces inside the camera. hahaha. Very funny but interesting! Hasilnya?? Tadaaaa!!

Ok seram tengok muka sendiri dalam photo number 2. Taring tu!!
Lepas ni fikir banyak kali nak buat lagi atau tak. haha.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Why do women cry for no reason?

Dear diary,

When I cry for no reason, I would consider myself as dealing with minor depression. Bila keadaan macam ni melanda, siap la siapa-siapa yang ada kat keliling. Jangan cari pasal kalau takmau tengok banjir kilat melanda akibat air mata yang melimpah laju.

So tonight, my depression level increased up to the highest point. Hati cakap nak makan ice-cream McD. Nak pergi jalan kaki tenangkan fikiran lah konon. McD yang paling dekat pulak kat Fairy Meadow. Hellooo??? Tenang fikiran apanya kalau kena jalan lebih 3km untuk secawan ice-cream huh???

Tabah tak hati berjalan kaki?

Nearest McD is located 3.2km away from home. :O

Amazingly, I do feel a little bit relieved right after that. Thank you ice-cream, my comfort food. Thank you Aimi, Fatin, and not forgetting abang sebab jadi bodyguard. Boleh senyum sampai telinga sekarang. Can't you see how simple thing like this could cheer a girl up? =))

Happy faces.. =))

Hakikatnya muka kitorang macam ni sebenarnya. :|

Sunday, February 19, 2012

An old day passes, a new day arrives


How is your Sunday everyone? Hope you have something wonderful going on because mine is not very interesting so far. Kepala tengah serabut dengan belajar, so buat apa pun serba tak kena.

On the other hand, my Saturday was full of blast starting from early morning until late at night. Why? Because yesterday was our dearest Aimi's 18th birthday!! Yes, 18. Me no kidding! hakhakhak. :p

The birthday cake. Very symbolic!! hahaha. :p

There were not only one, but two celebrations in a row. Malam tu dah ade surprise sikit. I like the part bila semua orang pegang bunga sorang setangkai kasi dekat Aimi. It was somehow very very sweet!! Then on the day itself, we gathered at kak Fish's house and had it celebrated again. Simple yet memorable.


Aimi and mommy.
Birthday dekat oversea pun mak ada. Rare tu!!

Lepas tu, kitorang ramai-ramai pergi tengok Outdoor Movie dekat Botanical Garden. We call that Moonlight Cinema. Why? Sebab tengok wayang sambil bersaksikan bintang-bintang di langit. The feeling was, emm, magical! Cewah!! Bole ke describe camtu? But that was how I felt. Yeah, I think it is a great way to enjoy summer that is ending soon. Outdoor movie was perfect!

You know what we did last night? Kitorang bentang kanvas yang besar atas rumput, port pulak betol-betol mengadap big screen. I bawak wrap yang mak bagi jadikan selimut, beg buat alas jadi bantal. Silap tak bawak sleeping bag. Kalau tak, I terus tido je kat situ, esok pagi terjaga terus heret sleeping balik rumah. Jalan kaki dekat jeee. hihi. 

Me in front of the big screen.
Gelapnye haku dalam ni. Okay, lighting takdak.

Gambaq sebelum masing-masing amik port tergolek

Lepas tu balik rumah semua pengsan awal. Keletihan agaknya semua orang. And I got asleep right after listening to my bedtime songs. Hmm, just like the good old times that I used to have. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The rainbow has arrived

Assalamualaikum semua..

Alhamdulillah hari ni I dah settlekan semua urusan pasal kotak yang nak shipping hari Jumaat ni. Selagi tak selesai memang serabut kepala dibuatnya. You know what, malam tadi I buat kerja gila cling wrap sorang-sorang sampai pukul 4.30 pagi.. :O

Kalau fikir balik, I pun hairan macam mana la I boleh cling wrap 13 ketul kotak sorang-sorang malam tadi. Sedangkan sebelum ni kalau buat berdua pun rasa nak tertonggeng terbalik. Tapi malam tadi mudah and cepat je kerja. Thank you Allah for easing my work.. :)

Then tengahari tadi Aimi & Kerul dah tolong angkut bawak pergi garage Madoline St. Thank you so much guys. Lepas dah angkut tadi, lega sikit tengok rumah dah lapang. Ha, sekarang baru la boleh panggil rumah. Kalau tak, dalam rumah pun kene jalan belok-belok akibat kotak I yang melambak-lambak. hihihi.

Well, keadaan di Wollongong masih macam hari-hari sebelumnya. Hujan mendominasi cuaca. Kadang-kadang matahari keluar jugak tunjukkan cahaya. Tapi baru je hati ni nak ceria nampak suria, awan gelap datang sembunyikan matahari, bawak hujan yang membasahkan bumi.

But let's take it in positive way. In life, you need happiness and sorrow to bring colours to your days. So does the earth, it needs both the sun and the rain to make its rainbow appears. So, bila saat-saat pelangi indah tu muncul dalam hidup kita, don't miss all beautiful colours of the rainbow yea!! 

So, cherish your 'rainbow time' to the fullest whenever you have chance to do so okay. Because who knows, you might lost sight to the rainbow along the way rite?


Monday, February 13, 2012

I vow you to see THE VOW

Dear diary,

Sejak dua menjak ni, Wollongong asyik hujan je. Hujan pulak bukan yang sikit-sikit. Lebat yang amat sampai banjir kilat dekat beberapa tempat yang agak rendah. I was lucky because my house is all safe and secure. Masalahnya satu je, tiap-tiap kali hujan lebat mencurah-curah, mata ni pun sebokkkkkk jugak nak mencurah-curah. Haihhh!

Anyway, siapa dah tengok cerita THE VOW? Rasanya Malaysia belom release lagi. Kat sini baru je release Jumaat lepas. And I dah pergi tengok dekat Greater Union Shellharbour dengan Aimi, Fatin, Kerul and Ayei.

Giant Coke dekat Greater Union Shellharbour
Aduhh mata sembab baru lepas hujan. kihkihkih.

Okay, jom sambung cerita pasal THE VOW. I found this movie to be worth watching. Seriously. Walaupun nampak macam other typical love stories with predictable ending, but there are some reasons why I love this piece. Antaranya:

1) Channing Tatum (the hero)

Tipuuuu lah kalau tak fall in love dengan hero kan?? ngahahaha. But seriously, ada satu part masa dia dah hampir give up nak pulihkan ingatan wife dia, he was at his recording studio alone, main gitar, then menangis. Sooo vulnerable. Melting.

I cried when he cried in here.
He succeeded in making me fall to the softness of his voice

2) Philosophical Movie

Most important characters in this movie share their theories on life and love. They really made me think about my own life. Marriage, interests, family, past life and many more. Semua ada falsafah sendiri yang kita boleh kaitkan dengan hidup kita.

3) Inspired by a true story

Cuba bayangkan, satu hari kita bangun, one partner suddenly became a stranger to the other. Sebagai suami, nak kena usaha yakinkan isteri yang mereka ni asalnya pasangan bahagia, sedangkan isteri pulak, with her memory wiped clean, her husband becomes nothing but a stranger to her. Complicated kan?

Overall, it is a fun date movie. Sometimes it captures our emotions but there are times when it fails to do so. Tapi dalam banyak-banyak watak, I think the only perfect role dalam cerita ni only Rachel Mcadams sebagai isteri yang hilang ingatan. Yang lain-lain tu still ada flaws here and there.

p/s: Walaupun cerita ni keluar untuk Valentine's Day, it doesn't mean that I support that celebration. No, not even a little bit. Kebetulan aje ni sebab Australia dah release last week lagi. Takde kaitan dengan Valentine's Day pun. Yang baik sama-sama kita ambik, yang buruk kita buang ye. Peace no war!=))

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lapar itu ubat?

Haii semua!!

I'm now writing from my workplace with my stomach growling asking for some foods. I think I need to get myself something to eat to mute this noisy belly of mine. Tapi hujan-hujan ni I malehhh la nak turun pi carik makan. Tunggu balik nanti je lah. Sila bertahan okeh wahai perut!!

Ohh, it has been more than a week since I declared war with my tummy. Dalam tempoh perang ni, baru dua kali I makan nasik. Mula-mula makan bubur, then malam tadi makan nasik ayam. But the amount of rice was very little compared to my usual meals. The rest of that, I bertahan makan something other than rice. Fuyohhh! Amirah ke tu yang tak makan nasik tu? Keajaiban dunia ni!! kahkahkah.

I do feel proud of myself though. Selama ni mana boleh tak makan nasik langsung. Migrain la apa la. Alasan semua tu! Tiap-tiap hari musti mau cari nasik tak kira apa jadi sekali pun. Nasik putih, telur mata dengan kicap pun dah kira satu lauk yang cukup enak dah. Eleh, semua orang pun mesti suka makan lauk tu jugak kan kan kan? hehe.

Tapi ada orang cakap dah kurus-kurus ni nak diet apanya lagi?? Yes, memang nampak KONON macam slim and slender, but hidden fats are still there. Pandai tak dia nyorok? T__T  I have my ideal weight that I think will suit my height best. However, my current weight is slightly over than that, so apa lagi?? Kerja keras lah sikit.

When I get back my ideal weight, I will keep my normal routine makan nasik hari-hari macam biasa. Ohh tak sabarnya nak tunggu waktu indah makan nasik putih, telur mata dengan kicap. Eh, tambah timun atau lettuce jadi ulam pun sodappp!! *Daydreaming*

Ha, dua hari lepas kitorang makan semua benda grilled ala-ala macam kat Seoul Garden. Best!! Walaupun telah kehilangan deria rasa dan bau yang agak kronik, but I still enjoy the meal!! Check this out: 

Healthy dinner. 
Grilled sausages, chicken and prawns with salads.

Terima kasih semua sebab menyokong diet kurang makan nasik saya! Mari mengamalkan pemakanan yang sehatt ye kawan-kawan. Dari muda ni la kena jaga supaya dah tua-tua nanti takde la tengok saja bila anak cucu makan macam-macam. =))

Keep your healthy heart by emptying your stomach.

Daripada Aisyah R.A, 

“Bala yang pertama sekali berlaku kepada umat ini sesudah kepergian Nabi SAW ialah kekenyangan perut, sebab apabila sesuatu kaum kenyang perutnya, gemuk badannya, lalu akan lemahlah hatinya dan akan bermaharajalela syahwatnya.” 

(Hadis riwayat Bukhari )

Monday, February 6, 2012

Why does my nose run?

Dear diary,

I tried very hard to focus on doing my work just now, but my running nose deprieved me from concentrating. It was so bad until I barely can sleep last night. Tiga empat kali terjaga sebab the blocked nose buat I susah nak nafas.

I know it is a common problem, but when it gets stronger, it is very annoying and requiring a lot of attentions. I took some pills to depress it for a while, but I think I don't want to get too dependent on medicines. Why?

Firstly, they are drugs which may cause side effects and somewhat addictive. Sakit sikit je makan ubat, sakit sikit je makan ubat. Manja sangat tu oii! Nanti lama-lama terlampau bergantung dengan ubat sampai badan tak dapat belajar develop antibody sendiri. No good!

Secondly, makan ubat selsema tu mengantuk yang amat la!! Selamba je tadi I belasah tido dekat ofis sebab mengantuk gila tak tahan sangat. Orang keluar masuk I buat bodo je. Pastu bangun kejap buat kerja balik pastu mengantuk balik, tido lagi. Sukati je buat ofis tu macam rumah sendiri. hakhak.

Yang paling tak bestnya, makan semua pun takde rasa. Aaaaa! As if my body knows that I am on diet at the moment, so dia saja tak bagi I enjoy the foods sangat dalam masa terdekat ni. Tapi dalam dok takde rasa tu, kalau bagi Easyway secawan totap aku habiskan. hihi. DIET LAH KONON! BOOO!! haha.

One large honey milk tea by the sea
Nothing else matters

~ perfect human, true hero, battlefield tiger and soft hearted prophet ~

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Homemade caramel popcorn, anyone?

Hello everybody!

Firstly, let me ask you something, among all of popcorn flavours, which one do you prefer? Caramelized? Butter with cheese? Or chocolate drizzle on top? As for me, I simply love the one with butter and sugar. It is everyone's favorite I suppose.

Selama ni asyik tengok Amy buat stove top popcorn je. Ala, yang guna kuali besar, then tutup for a while. Lepas tu tengok popcorn letup-letup, lepas dah siap kena simbah caramel pulak. Isn't that sounds too complicated for you?

Tapi lepas balik uni tadi, Amy tiba-tiba cakap nak buat popcorn. Mula-mula I cakap I diet, tanak makan malam. But for popcorn, it never fills me up. I mean, it does, but I always, always have room for more popcorn. Aigoo~~

But this time around, she disregards the old style method when she finally received her long awaited Popcorn Maker. Weehoo! Benda alah ni sangat lah menyenangkan hidup, campak-campak semua dalam pot, after a while, all you know is a box of popcorn is ready to be eaten!

You want to see how easy does this thing works? All you need are:

A popcorn maker:

Brand lupa lah pulak tapi beli dekat Ebay

And the ingredients are:

One spoon of corn kernel, one spoon of sugar, one spoon of butter

Mix everything inside the pot, then just sit down and wait. Now have a look at the following video to see how interesting the process is:

Focus dekat popcorn yang beranak tu ye.
Abaikan suara orang membebel.

Hasilnya. Easy peasy yummy popped out corny

p/s: I have a secret to tell you. I've bought one for myself. Tak sabar nak balik Mesia buat sendiri dengan anak-anak nanti. hikhikhik. *berangan*

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Makanan berdosa di tengah malam yang sejuk


Selamat tengah malam wahai encik diari. Kene mention sikit tengah malam sebab I baru je mensabotaj perut sendiri waktu-waktu macam ni. Aaaaaaa!! Rasa macam nak lari pusing-pusing rumah sekarang jugak!!

Nak tau apa cerita? Tadi lepas dah siap dinner, semua dah dok tergolek rileks-rileks sambil ngadap laptop masing-masing dekat hall when suddenly Fatin started to do something very very wicked and sinful to our dearly beloved tummies.

Forgive me my dear tummy, I didn't mean to harm you but I just did. Petang tadi baru je berpeluh-peluh buat TaeBo and rasa macam sihat jeeee!! Tiba-tiba malam ni hambik kau bapak segala TaeBo pun tak bole nak lawan. huhu.

We just had chocolate covered strawberries at midnight. Hmm, is any other thing that could be more sinful than this? By the way, among hundreds of other items you can dip in chocolate fountain, I think strawberries are simply the best!

Everyone loves strawberries and when you cover them in warm, delicious chocolate, it only becomes better, and better, and better in each of every dip. Perghhhh. "Mira Mira on the wall,  now you tell me how can I still  keep my tummy small?"

Lepas puas cicah strawberries, tukar dengan marshmallows pulak. Dipping a marshmallow into a chocolate fountain, and sandwiching it in between your lower and upper teeth, the taste was like hanging in the air! Adoiyaiiii!! Pity you poor tummy.

Now nak pegi gosok gigi bersih-bersih, kalau tak nanti macam dok terasa lagi kelazatan chocolate tu kat dalam mulut. No good! No good! Go now Amirah! At once!