Thursday, February 2, 2012

Homemade caramel popcorn, anyone?

Hello everybody!

Firstly, let me ask you something, among all of popcorn flavours, which one do you prefer? Caramelized? Butter with cheese? Or chocolate drizzle on top? As for me, I simply love the one with butter and sugar. It is everyone's favorite I suppose.

Selama ni asyik tengok Amy buat stove top popcorn je. Ala, yang guna kuali besar, then tutup for a while. Lepas tu tengok popcorn letup-letup, lepas dah siap kena simbah caramel pulak. Isn't that sounds too complicated for you?

Tapi lepas balik uni tadi, Amy tiba-tiba cakap nak buat popcorn. Mula-mula I cakap I diet, tanak makan malam. But for popcorn, it never fills me up. I mean, it does, but I always, always have room for more popcorn. Aigoo~~

But this time around, she disregards the old style method when she finally received her long awaited Popcorn Maker. Weehoo! Benda alah ni sangat lah menyenangkan hidup, campak-campak semua dalam pot, after a while, all you know is a box of popcorn is ready to be eaten!

You want to see how easy does this thing works? All you need are:

A popcorn maker:

Brand lupa lah pulak tapi beli dekat Ebay

And the ingredients are:

One spoon of corn kernel, one spoon of sugar, one spoon of butter

Mix everything inside the pot, then just sit down and wait. Now have a look at the following video to see how interesting the process is:

Focus dekat popcorn yang beranak tu ye.
Abaikan suara orang membebel.

Hasilnya. Easy peasy yummy popped out corny

p/s: I have a secret to tell you. I've bought one for myself. Tak sabar nak balik Mesia buat sendiri dengan anak-anak nanti. hikhikhik. *berangan*


suzz said...

Sgt awesome la mende alah ni. I loike. Klu beramai2 ni, memang best mkn popcorn berjemaah.

Ayat paling best " habis diet aku" . LOL.

Makan byk2 ye Cik Mira n the gang hik hik! Tidak la i kembang sorang2 kat sini hik hik!


amirah said...

Kak Su:

Memang best sangat mesin ni. Nak-nak kalau buat pyjama party or pillow talk sambil kunyah-kunyah popcorn. Euww, sounds soo girlish.hahaha.

Tu laaaa.. habis diet Mira hari-hari camni tak tahan tgk popcorn letup-letup.

Iyeee.. memang masing2 makan dengan bahagianya. hukhuk.. -__-

1925 said...

kewl...saya suka pop corn jugak!

amirah said...

Kak Syaza:

Jom pakat ramai2 beli mesin ni. hehehe. jemput la mai umah kalau nak join sekaki!

Farah Zainal Abidin said...

wow...mana dpt machine nie! boleh buat popcorn garrett (popcorn yg famous in malaysia, skrg nie!)

amirah said...


Beli kat ebay je! Murah and senang. Ha, nak buat popcorn garret pon boleyhhh!! Murah aje modalnya.hehehe.. =))