Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bulan terakhir musim luruh


Salam hari pekerja untuk semua yang sedang bercuti hari ni! Kepada yang perlu bekerja, give me five!! haha. I masih student sepenuh masa, so belom layak lagi menikmati priviledge cuti umum untuk semua pekerja hari ni. Eh, bunyi macam alasan sebab jeles Australia tidak cuti je kan? kan? :p

Anyway, without us realizing, today is already the 1st day of May. One third of 2012 has already passed, may the remaining two be more meaningful to all of us. My ohh my, time has gone by very quickly. I don't know how it's like for you but I definitely need it to go slower. Please.

Bulan ni jugak merupakan bulan terakhir untuk musim luruh di Australia. Cuaca semakin dingin, daun semakin banyak yang luruh, cukup sebulan dari sekarang, mungkin yang tinggal hanya batang dan ranting-ranting, menandakan musim sejuk akan tiba. Kusam. Tiada warna. Boring. I personally think we need more colours to cheer up our life, don't we? So, jom ramai-ramai pakai warna warni masa winter nanti ye! :)

Sebelum tamat musim luruh ni, I think I want to share with you what it's like to have reddish yellowish leaves falling beautifully all around you. They are stunning, believe me! 

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower

Close bosom-friend 

Autumn flame is very bright; turning the leaves into red

Falling leaves hide the path so quietly

Our friendship rings with autumn leaves on the ground

All pictures were taken while we were in Bundanoon two weeks ago. The credit goes to Azeem (Kak Fish's hubby) and of course with a little bit of self editing here and there.. :)


aimy said...

Love it!! wish that i'm there in the pictures too! :(

amirah said...


Wished you were there too..:( Will definitely do something like this again when everybody go back to Malaysia soon..:)

Wawa T said...

love it, love autumn..

amirah said...


come visit me then!! ada few weeks of autumn, then dah masuk winter. hukhuk. :(