Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Servis mangkuk tingkat Kepala Batas


Good morning everyone! Hari ni hari kedua I duduk rumah sempena maternity leave selama tiga bulan. I am enjoying my time being a fulltime housewife thus far. But I think I shall wait until the little one is out before saying that being a housewife is REALLY enjoying or not. huhu. Nervous weh.

Tapi kan, deep inside my heart, sebenarnya ada rasa teringin nak duduk rumah , jaga suami, jaga anak, jaga rumah je. haha. But with the unstable economical condition that we gotta go through nowadays, I think that would not be a wise decision just yet. Maybe someday. Who knows? :)

Anyway, that's not the point here. Sebenarnya nak bagitau yang walaupun duduk rumah tapi I tak masak langsung pun. haha. Bila dah sarat menunggu hari, jalan pun senget benget in slow motion, I found cooking is rather tiring. I don't know how others do it, tapi I tak buat la. Setakat nak masak nasik, goreng telur tu ok la, tapi kalau nak masak complete meal siap main and side dishes semua tu, memang penat.

But I still gotta to take my lunch kalau tak nanti I am gonna starve myself (and the baby) like mad. Nak makan roti je rasa macam incomplete nutrients. Nak keluar bawak kereta pulak semata-mata nak pi beli sebungkus nasik tu memang tak larat la dengan musim panas macam ni. So what I did was, I ordered delivery food service!

Selama ni dok tengok banner diorang dok promote je dekat area rumah I. Then bila stalk instagram ada jugak dia update menu apa semua. Bila ada peluang try, I decided to give it a go! Senang je sebab order through Whatsapp. Pilih set menu yang kita nak, then sebelum tengahari menu untuk hari tu sampai rumah. Easy peasy! :)

Some of the weekly menus.

I have tried their service for a couple of times and my verdict is, they provide excellent service! The delivery is always on time (11am-12noon), kalau kita lambat bukak pintu dia akan call to check whether we are home or not. Kalau ada, dia bagi the food siap invoice apa semua. Payment boleh buat cash or online transfer, then petang dalam pukul 2-4pm tu dia akan round collect mangkuk tingkat yang dia hantar. Very professional!

The invoice. With the name of the company on it.

Daging kunyit, sayur pucuk tumis air, ulam, sambal belacan.

Asam pedas, ulam, sambal belacan, telur masin.

So to those yang rasa tak sempat nak masak tu, I would recommend you to use this service. Nak makan untuk the whole family memang tak berbaloi la. Tapi kalau setakat sorang makan memang okay sangat-sangat. Sesuai la dengan harga, and you can avoid all the hassles of going out by having your foods delivered at your doorstep. Isn't that awesome? :)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Dear Allah, I thank you for my husband


It's my husband's birthday today!
His 31st birthday.
Alhamdulillah thank you Allah for lending me him as my life partner.
Semoga jodoh yang Allah tetapkan ni bukan di dunia je, tapi sampai ke syurga jugak.

I don't know how can I thank him for being such a good husband to me.
Tiap-tiap hari masa hantar suami kat pintu masa nak pi kerja,
I pray that Allah brings him home safely to my awaiting arms.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Before my long maternity break


Wahh rajin pulak jenguk blog lately ni. haha. Sementara tengah ada mood menulis ni boleh la berceloteh kat dalam ni. Nanti bila mood ke laut, berbulan-bulan tak dengaq habaq. Standard la tu kan bila menulis untuk diri sendiri macam ni la.. :)

I have completed all my tasks at the School of Mathematics today. Submitted and verified all the final exam marks. Alhamdulillah result keseluruhan my students untuk subject Differential Equations ni sangat baik. Nervous jugak sebelum ni nak tengok macamana keputusan bebudak ni. Now the official result is out, I felt soo relieved.

Official result for Differential Equations I. Taught by yours truly. :)

Out of 211 students, lebih dari separuh yang dapat keputusan A dan A-. Tapi ada sorang yang sangkut paper ni. Gagal. It means that I might see him / her again in the coming session. Biasa la tu, mana boleh expect semua pelajar cemerlang dalam subject yang kita ajar. Dalam banyak-banyak yang okay, mesti ada sekumpulan pelajar yang tak dapat score. Lumrah la tu.

Ohh, I dah siap kemas office for my long break. Kosongkan all table top and cabinets. 3 bulan nak tinggai bilik ni mau berhabuk teruk la nanti. Takpela, naik cuti nanti fikir kemudian la nak kemas office macam mana nanti. Nasib baik tak banyak sangat barang lagi dalam bilik ni. Kalau tak jenuh jugak la.

Minggu depan bila dah mula cuti secara rasmi baru boleh buat final preparation to welcome the new member of our little family. Now I started to get excited to prepare the bedding set and everything. Sebelum ni biar je cot tu togel tak letak cadar lagi. I have organized the baby locker and I noticed that the amount of clothes is sooo little. Harapnya cukup la untuk awal-awal ni. huhu.

Kalau diikutkan, as a first time mom, memang I tak membeli banyak pun sebenarnya. It's not that I am not excited, but I am more to being moderate here. Tapi mana tau kan, as time goes by, syndrome first time mom tu meresap masuk dalam badan and I started to buy stuff for the baby like crazy, haaa time tu harap dimaafkan la ye. :p

Okay lah, I nak siap-siap nak balik dah ni. Tak boleh balik lambat sat lagi sangkut dalam jem naya ja. Tapi ada satu masalah. Tiap-tiap hari mesti pening kepala nak kena pikiaq what's for dinner? Haihh. Tu la soalan yang I rasa paling susah nak jawab lately ni. T___T

Till then, see you next time everyone!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Just what I needed right now


Hai everyone! How's your week so far? I tengah menunggu hari sebelum mula bercuti panjang. Minggu ni still kena masuk office sebab ada a few benda lagi yang belom settle. I am planning to officially start my maternity leave on Monday, 25th January 2016.

Semalam I pi final check-up with my gynae at Pantai Hospital Sungai Petani. She told me that the baby has engaged and mature enough to come out at any time now. I told her that I am very nervous to welcome the baby out. But being her yang sentiasa cool tu, dia berjaya buat I rasa relax and just enjoy my last stage of pregnancy. Thank you Dr!

Anyway, sekarang ni cuaca panas gila kan? I am constantly sweating like mad walaupun mengadap kipas yang paling laju. I pun taktau kenapa boleh berpeluh lagi walaupun dah tala kipas kat depan muka. Must be the pregnancy hormone I should blame on. Paling bahagia bila masuk air-conditioned room. Akibatnya bil letrik bulan lepas and bulan ni memang naik mencanak. Sorry husband! :p

Cuaca panas macam ni buat I sentiasa jadi tak selesa and asyik nak naik angin tak tentu hala. Seriously, I was not that kind of person who easily got mad towards small things like that. Tapi lately memang cepat sangat bad mood and nak marah-marah untuk benda kecik-kecik. Haihh, I really hate myself for that.

Orang yang paling banyak sabar sekarang ni is my husband. Dealing with a cranky pregnant woman is really not easy, I know that. But I could see how he tries to make everything in control. Kena mintak ampun banyak-banyak nampaknya ni. huhu. Hopefully this stage won't last long. Aminnn.

Exactly. What. I. Needed. Right. Now.
Snow vacation with my husband is gonna be sooo perfect!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Experience is the best teacher

Assalamualaikum semua,

Dah habis hari ke lapan bulan Januari 2016 ni kan. Rasa macam baru je sangat masuk tahun baru hari tu. Nanti sedar tak sedar masuk tahun lagi satu pulak. That's how time flies, leaving us with so many unsettled things towards the end.

So guys, what have you been up to so far? As for me, dah seminggu mengadap final exam scripts yang menimbun tu. Seriously, marking exam papers is not something really fun to do. Bukan masalah susah ke apa, tapi lebih ke arah rasa bertanggungjawab on every single mark that I give to the students.

My everyday view at least until next week.
Lepas tu baru boleh cuti bersalin dengan tenang.

Kalau yang terlebih bagi markah tu takpa, I anggap tu rezeki students. Tapi yang I paling takut kalau terkurang bagi markah, lepas tu effect gred keseluruhan student tu. Tak ke macam aniaya namanya tu. Ish, hopefully takdela terlepas pandang sampai jadi macam tu. Sebab tu bila marking, seboleh-bolehnya I will be extra careful, especially untuk something big like final exam.

Well, that's a little bit something on what I am currently occupied with. Nampak macam mudah je jadi pensyarah ni kan. Pegi mengajar, cukup masa bagi ujian, habis ujian semak kertas. Macam yang I selalu berangan dulu tanda betul salah guna pen merah. But in reality, that's not how it really works. I love the teaching part, memang cita-cita dari kecik pun sebenarnya. But teaching alone is actually not enough.

You also have a lot of supervision to make. Currently I am supervising two final year projects, two masters by dissertation, one masters by research, and a PhD research. Semuanya research yang berbeza pulak tu. Can you imagine, nak fikirkan research sendiri pun tak cukup nafas, inikan pulak nak fikirkan research students. But you gotta do what a so lecturer gotta do. Nak ke taknak, kena latih otak untuk fikir banyak benda dalam satu masa.

Ohh lagi satu, on top of all the supervisions part, bila dah jadi pensyarah ni, mesti tak boleh lepas dari publications. Macam I yang baru sangat kerja ni, of course la terkial-kial nak menulis. Baru nak sesuaikan diri dengan suasana kerja, at the same time nak kejar KPI pulak. Memang tak cukup tangan dibuatnya. But whether I like it or not, I still got to deal with it. So, I have already planned on a few submissions this year. This will at least be my target to work on. InsyaAllah.

I think that's enough for now. I respect semua kenalan I yang dah masuk mengajar dulu sebelum I. They must have achieved a lot throughout the years. I yang nak kena banyak belajar lagi ni. This is something quite challenging for me. Tapi takpe, everyday is a learning process right? You will learn more from things happen to you in real life. Well, as the saying goes, experience is always your best teacher. :)

Friday, January 1, 2016

ALLAH sebaik-baik pemberi rezeki


Hari ni hati terdetik nak kongsi kegembiraan dengan my loyal blog readers. I am not sure whether or not to publish this entry, but if you happen to read this one day, it means that everything went well according to Allah's plan, and I am all ready to share the good news with you, my lovely virtual friends. :)

Alhamdulillah, up to this date, I am 6 weeks pregnant today (3rd June 2015). The waiting game has finally come to the end. After trying to conceive (TTC) for more than two years (26 months to be exact), akhirnya sampai jugak masa yang Allah dah tetapkan dan Dia akhirnya tiupkan rezeki yang paling berharga dalam hidup kami suami isteri.

For those who were easily got pregnant after you get married, you might not really understand how does the pressure of getting pregnant is taking on us (the TTCians). Hanya yang dah lalui je akan faham perasaan tu. Juggling in between the desire to become a mother and to accept the fact that Allah has better plan is really not easy, I tell you.

At the early stage of my marriage, tiap-tiap bulan I rasa macam satu permainan. Dan setiap kali red aunty datang melawat tu la I terpaksa pujuk diri sendiri, telling myself that this is not the time yet, and the time will definitely come one day. It usually takes me a few days to get better, and continue my life as nothing had happened.

If you want to talk about how much effort we have put in order to get us only one baby, trust me, you will never believe how much money we had spent in indulging ourselves with supplements, medical check-ups, alternative medicines, good and healthy (and expensive) foods, you just name it, semua dah try. But we plan, He plans, and indeed, he is the best of planners.

After one year, kitorang rasa makin selesa hidup berdua and tak letak harapan tinggi sangat dah setiap bulan. Tapi yang pastinya, doa tak pernah putus, semoga Allah sentiasa bukak pintu rezeki kami, bukan dalam bentuk anak saja, tapi dalam segala segi. He listens to all our prayers, and started granting us with rezeki in different methods, one after another. 

And at the same time, usaha kami untuk memperbaiki diri tak pernah putus. I amalkan cara hidup sihat, makan benda-benda sihat, makan supplements, pergi berurut and macam-macam lagi la. Until one day, the scheduled period is late for almost two weeks, and I started to feel some unusual changes to my body, then one fine morning I decided to do pregnancy test right before Subuh prayer.

Anddddd the result is beyond my expectation. Faham tak perasaan nak check, tapi takde perasaan nak tau result tu macam mana? I kept telling myself that it is okay if the result is negative, boleh pergi jumpa Dr and discuss kalau-kalau ada problem ke tak. But the result is actually the other way around. Double lines clearly displayed on the test stick. I was amazed. Woww, the stick is telling me that I am pregnant. :)

I macam takut-takut lagi nak bagitau husband. Percaya tak percaya la orang kata. Kitorang solat subuh sama-sama, and he wanted to take a short nap after that. I pun bangun buat kerja lain, mandi, solat dhuha, and solat syukur, and kejutkan husband untuk siap-siap nak keluar lepas tu. Time tu jugak I tunjuk the test stick, he smiled and hugged me. Allah tau banyak mana kami usaha, and He finally answered our prayers. The feeling was beautiful, very beautiful.

p/s: I have been keeping this entry in the draft for quite a long time, and today, sempena tahun baru, I am ready to let this entry out. What I am trying to deliver here is that, especially to my fellow TTCians, jangan pernah berhenti usaha dan doa. Allah saja yang boleh bagi jawapan tentang bila dan apa yang Dia nak anugerahkan kita sebagai rezeki. I can never be any more grateful, and verily, His plan is definitely the best. :)