Friday, January 8, 2016

Experience is the best teacher

Assalamualaikum semua,

Dah habis hari ke lapan bulan Januari 2016 ni kan. Rasa macam baru je sangat masuk tahun baru hari tu. Nanti sedar tak sedar masuk tahun lagi satu pulak. That's how time flies, leaving us with so many unsettled things towards the end.

So guys, what have you been up to so far? As for me, dah seminggu mengadap final exam scripts yang menimbun tu. Seriously, marking exam papers is not something really fun to do. Bukan masalah susah ke apa, tapi lebih ke arah rasa bertanggungjawab on every single mark that I give to the students.

My everyday view at least until next week.
Lepas tu baru boleh cuti bersalin dengan tenang.

Kalau yang terlebih bagi markah tu takpa, I anggap tu rezeki students. Tapi yang I paling takut kalau terkurang bagi markah, lepas tu effect gred keseluruhan student tu. Tak ke macam aniaya namanya tu. Ish, hopefully takdela terlepas pandang sampai jadi macam tu. Sebab tu bila marking, seboleh-bolehnya I will be extra careful, especially untuk something big like final exam.

Well, that's a little bit something on what I am currently occupied with. Nampak macam mudah je jadi pensyarah ni kan. Pegi mengajar, cukup masa bagi ujian, habis ujian semak kertas. Macam yang I selalu berangan dulu tanda betul salah guna pen merah. But in reality, that's not how it really works. I love the teaching part, memang cita-cita dari kecik pun sebenarnya. But teaching alone is actually not enough.

You also have a lot of supervision to make. Currently I am supervising two final year projects, two masters by dissertation, one masters by research, and a PhD research. Semuanya research yang berbeza pulak tu. Can you imagine, nak fikirkan research sendiri pun tak cukup nafas, inikan pulak nak fikirkan research students. But you gotta do what a so lecturer gotta do. Nak ke taknak, kena latih otak untuk fikir banyak benda dalam satu masa.

Ohh lagi satu, on top of all the supervisions part, bila dah jadi pensyarah ni, mesti tak boleh lepas dari publications. Macam I yang baru sangat kerja ni, of course la terkial-kial nak menulis. Baru nak sesuaikan diri dengan suasana kerja, at the same time nak kejar KPI pulak. Memang tak cukup tangan dibuatnya. But whether I like it or not, I still got to deal with it. So, I have already planned on a few submissions this year. This will at least be my target to work on. InsyaAllah.

I think that's enough for now. I respect semua kenalan I yang dah masuk mengajar dulu sebelum I. They must have achieved a lot throughout the years. I yang nak kena banyak belajar lagi ni. This is something quite challenging for me. Tapi takpe, everyday is a learning process right? You will learn more from things happen to you in real life. Well, as the saying goes, experience is always your best teacher. :)

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