I'm very very happy as everything is over now. MAS Open House & Annual General Meeting was held perfectly as planned. Alhamdulillah. I'm no longer MAS_UOW comittee member. Service dah bertukar tangan. The new comittee is now formed. I know the new organisation is gonna be better having Fendy as the new President. Good luck to all of you! To me, I still think my team mates are the best and Kak Emy is the greatest president, ever!!
My little family. From left: Baem, Rauf, me, Ilyas, Kak Emy, Jiwan, Mad.
Dah berapa hari ni memang I busy gila. We started from the last two weeks. But the climax was 4 days before the event. Mula dari hari Jumaat sampai Isnin, setiap hari I keluar rumah pagi pagi, balik tengah tengah malam. Memang penat! But it was fun doing it. Seeing all your plan went on very well made me feel really glad being part of this family. I feel like the hard works were all paid off.
Untuk final event ni, I ditugaskan untuk handle bahagian pendaftaran dan hadiah. I never thought that handling things like this would be soo complicated. Ingatkan bunyi hadiah hadiah ni macam best je. Rupa rupanya susah nak mampus. With a very tight budget, I have to make sure that the amount could cover things like door gifts, goodies bags, lucky draw, kids performance, and games. Tu tak termasuk bab membungkus hadiah lagi tu. Lepas dah bungkus, kena tagging pulak. Memang separuh gila dibuatnya. Tapi bila tengok hadiah yang melambak lambak yang dah siap balut memenuhi ruang tamu rumah Kak Emy, rasa happy pulak. Semua tu untuk ahli MAS. Harap semua orang gembira dan puas hati. Hadiah yang kitorang sediakan dari sekecik kecik cawan comel sampai la sebesar besar set Corelle.best kan!hehehe..=))
When it comes to the date of event, I became super busy that day. Rasa macam tak cukup kaki tangan semua. Mula mula sampai hall, tolong Jiwan setup decorations and everything. Mujurla la ada ramai yang tolong. Semua ringan tulang. Terima kasih semua! When the guests started to arrive, I'm the person in charge, making sure everybody get their event planner, lucky draw number, door gift ang goodies bag. Kepada semua, saya mintak maaf kalau ada yang terkurang ke apa ke, kalau terlebih tu takpe, dihalalkan.hehehe..
Me and my little dayangs when the registration counter closed.
Lepas dah setel pasal registration, tugas I bertukar dekat meja hadiah pulak. Memang pening gila masa ni. When it comes to handling a huge amount of prezzies, it was really really confusing. Believe me! Tak percaya cuba la, baru tau susah ke tidak. Sorry sangat kot2 kalau ada yang tersalah bagi hadiah tu ye. Kepada yang dapat grand prizes, tahniah!! Anda semua memang bertuah!! Kepada yang tak dapat, sila cuba lagi di tahun hadapan..=))

Meja hadiah. Atas meja, bawah meja semua penuh.
Okay, kalau nak cerita semua, tiga hari tiga malam pun tak habis. I'll show you pictures with me inside . All pictures were taken from Hovis's FB and some from my personal camera. I tak dapat ambik gambar sendiri banyak banyak sebab terlampau busy. Maklumla host.hehehe..:p
Me and Kak Suzana, my gym partner. Look at her figure, nobody can tell that she's a mother to a beautiful girl. Envy you la Kak Su.

Me and my house mate, Kak Ean, another gym partner. And Aunty Noon. Granma vogue!!=))

Band performance.

The crowds.

Me and Jiwan. Terduduk kepenatan selepas tamat event. Tapi muka tetap ceria. Well, you know me..=))
It's not the certificate that matters, but the memories that count.
p/s: Special thanks to Kak Emy dan Jiwan yang sangat sangat membantu dalam urusan hadiah dan pendaftaran. Kepada semua bekas ajk, thanks for having me around.. I love one quote that Kak Emy put in our corporate video, don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. ~Theodor Seuss Geisel.
Aiyakk..malunya Kak Su Mira letak caption gituuu *blushing*..sib baik gambo kecik je hehe
Kak Su!! What a surprise hearing from you here.hehe.. Ei,sungguh orang taktau kak su ade anak besar sofi tau..mira ni yang belom beranak (kawen pun belom) yang nak kena betol2 jaga.huhuhu..
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