Friday, July 29, 2011

Membina menara goyang

Hai-hai Encik Diari,

Apa ke huduh sangat nama membina menara goyang kan? kalau sebut rocking tower takde la buruk sangat. hihi. Whatever it is, itu la antara aktiviti yang I buat dengan kawan-kawan bila tengok masing-masing muka blur taktau nak buat apa. Kitorang main Jenga, yay!

Indoor group activity on a cold winter night

Rasanya last sekali main menda alah ni masa zaman sekolah-sekolah dulu. Konon tak berapa nak macho la kalau main bila dah besar. Hey, jangan pandang rendah dengan mainan-mainan minda macam ni tau. Nampak je macam mudah. But it is actually a game of physical that requires a very strong mental skill.

Muka ceria Rem & Aimi dapat remove block yang mudah

Cara main dia senang je. It starts with an initial tower that has about 18 levels of three blocks in each level. As the game progresses, players take turns to remove a block and balance it on top. Please bear in mind, the taller the tower, the more increasingly unstable structure is being built.

Muka focus Aup & Kerul bila game makin mencabar

Perasaan setiap kali nak remove block tu and place it on top punya la berdebar-debar sama macam meruntuhkan bangunan setinggi 18 tingkat! Nervous gila beb! Bila lepas turn sendiri rasa macam, "Phewww, nasib bukan aku yang runtuhkan. Kalau tak mati la aku kena susun balik blocks ni nanti".

The game ends when the tower falls

Antara contoh waktu-waktu getir bila menara bergoyang.
Ho yeah ho yeah! bak kata Ungku. kahkahkah..

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Adam si budak debot


Hari ni mood nak cakap pasal Adam. Tiba-tiba teringat conversation pasal how adorable babies are this morning, make me miss my Adam si budak debot. Padahal baru je semalam terserempak dengan Adam say hello cubit-cubit pipi before pergi tengok cerita X-Men. hehehe. 

Introducing Adam at 2 years old
Tengok pipi tu. Tengok pipi tu. Aaaaa. Geram!!

Babies.. Greatest small little creature, ever!! Their smell, their language, their growth, their tiny little palms, their everything. The whole lot about them are just so magnificent, addictive and loveable. 

Pipi debot yang dah beribu kali kena lenyek macam doh donat.

Amaran!! Telatah mereka jugak boleh buat orang geram dan rasa nak cubit-cubit, gigit-gigit. Dengan penuh kasih sayang la maksud I. hehe. Tapi bila dah besar sikit, buat perangai guling-guling dekat lantai memang rasa nak cubit kuat sikit. Sikit je la tapi. Kotor la lantai tu sayang oii.. 

Semua yang kat muka dia nampak boolattttt.
Mata, hidung, mulut, pipi apatah lagi.

Okay, sorry Kak Fish sebab ajar Adam camwhoring. But I just can't help it. Bijak sangat budak ni. Pegang iPhone I, tunjuk dekat camera, then he himself pushed the capture button. Hence, all the vain photos of me and him.hahaha.

Berebut-rebut nak capture gambar sendiri.
Habis pipi I dipenyeknya.

Sedar tak sedar dah dekat 2 tahun I dengan Adam dekat bumi kangaroo ni. Tengok dia membesar dari seorang innocent baby yang hanya tau baring sambil main agah-agah je sampai sekarang lari laju gila macam the road runner sampai tak terkejar dibuatnya, are such a wonderful memories. Till the bond ties forever.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Menghadapi semangat yang pudar

Hello there! 

How have you been very lately? As for me, things are doing okay. A very dull and wet week has just left. Yeay! Tak seronok sebenarya bila hujan sepanjang masa. Nak kena redah hujan dah satu hal. Nak pakai tebal-tebal sebab kesejukan pulak lagi satu hal.

But Alhamdulillah, the weather looks slightly promising now. Very beautiful sunny day. Even the temperature is still a bit too cold for me, but it's okay, at least kemurungan akibat hujan yang berpanjangan akhirnya hilang.

Ohhh btw, hari ni I nak share pasal perubahan cuaca di negara 4 musim tidak ekstrem seperti Australia. Selain perubahan ketara terhadap suhu, pertukaran cuaca akan turut memberi effect kepada rupa bentuk dan warna tumbuhan. Menarik bukan?

Bila stress dekat office, kadang-kadang kerja I adalah termenung mengadap luar tingkap. So, I selalu perhatikan macam mana pokok yang besar gedabak dekat luar ni berubah setiap kali musim bertukar. It's amazing to see how the process works. How? Let me show you the prove.

Daripada sebatang pokok yang rendang dan hijau sepenuhnya, bertukar menjadi hijau kekuningan, then tiba masa daun-daun mula bertukar menjadi jingga dan mula gugur, sampailah saat apabila yang tinggal hanyalah ranting pokok yang tidak bermaya. And the process evolves every year.

Every so often, I think same thing goes to human life. Ada masa yang semangat kita segar sehijau daun. Namun boleh pudar sedikit bila tiba-tiba ada masalah. Sehinggalah semangat tu pudar sepenuhnya dan yang tinggal hanyalah kita yang spiritless. Hmmm.. Ironik bukan?

But don't worry, biasanya keadaan macam tu tak lama. Sampai masanya, semangat kembali segar and the whole process repeats all over again. Cuma sedikit kekuatan diperlukan untuk menghadapi hari-hari di mana semangat kita down dan hilang. So, goodluck everybody! =))

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Take a sneak peek

Hints on the things that we had during our 3 days trip to Snowy Mountains last weekend

Day 1: Before the journey begins

Day 2: The morning before we went up to Perisher Valley

Day 2: Freezing faces

Day 3: Ready to leave. Goodbye Cooma Tourist Park.

Day 3: Parliament House, Canberra

Beautiful, isn't it?

Wait for more updates from me

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hello from Snowy Mountains

Dear diary,

I'm already on my holiday trip to Snowy Mountains by the time you read this. It is Snowy Mountains re-visited by the way. I have been there last year, and it was such an incredible excursion all I could tell. 

From left: Me, Syaril, Kerol, Kash, Kak Emy, Farizal

Tahun lepas rombongan disertai oleh Abang Sham & Kak Emy beserta dengan 5 orang anak instant. I, Syaril, Farizal, Kash and Kerol. Memang havoc jadinya bila semua budak sengal dapat parents angkat yang sporting gila. haha. 

Tapi tahun ni peserta rombongan ada tukar sikit. Yang maintain hanya I, Farizal & Kerol. The new members are Rauf, Rem, Aimy and Mala. Kami jugak akan konvoi dengan family Kak Fish nanti. So, this time there will be 9 adults and 2 toddlers altogether. Yay!

I wrote about our journey in HERE and my first snowboarding experience in HERE for personal record. For me, the whole trip was very very interesting. So I personally hope that this year's experience is gonna be much more exciting than what we had last year.

Till then, see you soon after I come back. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Snowfall Calling

Hello hello my beloved fellow

I'm all excited to play with the snow

May there be sunlight as well as rainbow

To shine our day and make us glow

Anybody interested hurry up and follow


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Portrait of love

This lovely piece of token arrived all the way from home 

Just to warm my heart up

Engraved with our photo together

And our names written on the other side

Also the date since we called us an item

This ain't no history sculpture

Just a symbol of a love getting closer

Something classic and everlasting

Beautiful and simply true

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Goodbye Australia?


Happy Sunday everyone! Ceria je bunyi pagi-pagi sebab dah terlebih tido malam tadi. Perut buat hal akibat lawatan bulanan dari 'si dia' yang tekun menjalankan tugas melawat kawasan. Sebelum tido malam tadi dah timbus-timbus perut dengan apa saja benda yang nampak depan mata. 

Tiba-tiba tengah malam terjaga sebab rasa rimas yang amat bila tengok apa la yang macam-macam sangat ada atas perut ni.hahaha. Kalau ada benda seberat bulldozer pun mungkin akan turut diletak sekali dengan harapan supaya kesakitan cepat hilang. I love you lah PMS!! ;O

Ohh, pagi tadi mengemas rumah hati rasa tenang lepas tengok kotak yang 3 ketul tu dah tak ada dekat ruang tamu. Agaknya apa la yang kotak-kotak tu buat dalam kontena tu sekarang ye? Take good care of yourselves all dear boxes. Till we meet again in Malaysia somewhere around next year. Be good yea, promise me!

One of my darling boxes yang dah selamat masuk kontena.

Ceritanya macam ni, sejak beberapa bulan yang lepas, Malaysian di Wollongong dah berpakat untuk share shipping barang-barang ke Malaysia di bawah urusan Kak Syikin sebagai manager yang amat berwibawa. Dengan gabungan kuasa beberapa family, finally barang-barang yang diangkut jadi lebih dari satu kontena. I yang belum tiba masa nak balik lagi pun sebok la nak selitkan barang untuk shipping jugak. Tak banyak pun, 3 kotak je.hehe..:p

Thanks for managing everything Kak Syikin.
May Allah bless you always.

Seawal jam 8 pagi hari Jumaat lepas, sekelian rakyat jelata telah dikerahkan tenaga untuk bergotong-royong mengumpulkan barang di kawasan Graduate House. Nampak perpaduan yang sangat dibanggakan di sini apabila beratus-ratus kotak siap dikumpulkan dalam masa yang singkat. Semuanya manpowers lah. Yang perempuan mampu bagi sokongan dari tepi saje ye. Mau terkehel urat pinggang kalau nak kena angkut kotak yang melambak tu.

Proses mengangkut kotak dari rumah ke rumah

Sebahagian besar dari jumlah kotak. Ada lagi satu bahagian.
Boleh bayang banyak tak banyak??

Alhamdulillah berkat kerjasama semua orang, semua barang selamat di loading ke dalam kontena. Tiap-tiap kali tengok orang tu campak je kotak-kotak, tersentap jantung tuan punya kotak. Mana tidaknya, masing-masing hantar set Corelle berkotak-kotak, Noritake lagi, electrical appliances lagi, mau berpuluh ribu dollar jugak taksiran barang dalam kontena tu rasanya. Sambil-sambil tengok tu kami semua berdoa supaya semua barang yang dihantar selamat sampai dalam keadaan asalnya. InsyaAllah.

Nampak tak perpaduan rakyat Malaysia di sini?
Hantar barang balik Malaysia pun secara berjemaah.hehe.. :)

Semoga perjalanan selamat wahai kotak-kotak sekalian.

Gambar candid Abg Ariff dengan caption yang paling tak boleh blah.
"Call cowok sambil korek cekam".
Padahal tengah jemur kaki akibat kesejukan melampau.hahaha..=))

p/s: Photo courtesy from all Malaysian yang uploaded gambar gotong-royong shipping di Facebook. Terima kasih semua!!=))

Friday, July 8, 2011

LOVE STORY: 8th Anniversary

After a year, now I am back to continue the sequel of my personal LOVE STORY. The tale of Amri & Amirah after 8 meaningful years of cruising through the ocean of our love.

Our love story.
Starring: Amri (him) and Amirah (her)

2011 marks the year that we both have been very very busy with our own personal works and life. If before this, we never missed to talk to each other EVERY SINGLE DAY. But this year, there were times when we don't even have chance to say a short hello for a few consecutive days. It doesn't sound really good, isn't it? But for us, things don't change a bit. Maybe the routine did changed, but not our love.

This year also requires us to make a few important decisions that will literally effect our future. Be it decisions regarding to our relationship or anything about our personal working life, there are really a lot to be discussed about. Hopefully these decisions are the best that have been destined for us.

We last met on 27th November 2010 on my short holiday back to Malaysia. It means that we haven't seen each other for more than 7 months since then. The longest for the record. And I guess the numbers will keep on increasing until I am not quite sure when. I hope the countings will stop soon. Very soon.

The day when we last met. 27th November 2010.

You have no idea how hard it is to not knowing when will be the next date that we are going to see each other. But I guess there are reasons for this. I believe in that. Being thousands of miles apart from each other is really a challenge, but we survived. Alhamdulillah.

May this love story continues again next year. Until the knot between us is officially tied. Till then, do pray for us. Semoga ada jodoh antara kami. Amin.

May happiness be with us forever

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pergi air terjun masa winter memang terbaik!!

Hello Mr Diary,

Do you know that Australia is not only famous with its spectacular coastal areas? And have you ever thought that it also has a series of stunningly beautiful waterfalls all around the country? Well, for your information, one of them is located not very far from my place. Carrington Falls.

So a few days ago, I dengan kawan-kawan pergi picnic dekat situ. Yes, I know. It sounds crazy. Pergi air terjun masa winter?  Memang cari pasal. But it was not too bad afterall. Especially with the help of bright sunlight filtering through the trees.

The famous Carrington Falls

This place also has a grotto (ala-ala artificial caves) and pools deep enough to swim in. It is called Nellies Glen. Tapi takde sape pun yang nak cuba cecah badan mandi dalam tu. Itu cubaan berani mati namanya.Baru letak hujung kaki terus rasa kebas gila. Sejuk nak mati!

Indahnya ciptaan Allah swt

Lepas isi perut masing-masing yang kelaparan, barula kitorang mulakan sesi menjelajah kawasan sampai la ke satu pool yang dipanggil Blue Pool. Cantik. Sangat cantik! Alam hijau yang mendamaikan complimenting the fresh, cold and free running waters. Simply perfect!

Cubaan jejak kaki ke dalam Blue Pool. Freezing! Numb!

Okay, I guess pictures tell more than words. So, have fun looking at the following photos taken from Aup's and Kak Zarin's camera. Please click on the photos for better view yea!=))

Me and my multi expressions at the Blue Pool

Sumpah susah gila nak lepas part ni.
Air sejuk gila, batu slippery.  Very challenging!!

View from top of the fall. Cantik! 

Dan bermacam-macam aksi dari semua orang.

Caught in action

Sebelum keberangkatan pulang

That's all for my latest update. Carrington Falls is another must visit place if you come to Wollongong. And thank you everybody (Aimy, Kerol, Ungku, Kak Zarin, Rem, Rauf, Kan) for the lovely accompany cherishing this wonderful half day trip.