Monday, April 26, 2010


Dear diary,

I woke up late this morning coz it is a public holiday. A bit surprised upon receiving one message in my FB inbox. It was him sending me this video. Reminiscing our sweet times together a few years ago. How thoughtful of him. Thanks sweetheart! You know how much I love you too.. September is coming soon ok dear. very soon!

Kau begitu sempurna
Dimataku kau begitu indah
Kau membuat diriku akan slalu memujamu

Disetiap langkahku
Kukan slalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamu

Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna... Sempurna...

Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku

Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna... Sempurna...

Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku

p/s: I remember the time when we keep listening to different versions of this song on our 8 hours journey back from JB to Penang over and over again. Sebab kat highway kan xde signal radio,kene dengar cd je la.hehehe..

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Indigeneous Australians


Today I'm in the mood of sharing something that I think you have no idea at all (because I never told you so.ehehe..:p). This is about the original inhabitants of the Australian continents, or INDIGENEOUS AUSTRALIANS. This Australian aboriginal culture can claim to be the oldest living culture on the planet. Hmmm, is it true?? Maybe..

Pst, pst, sebenarnya mat salleh yang konon2 cun and hensem kat sini bukan la penduduk asal bumi aussie ni pun. pendatang je..hehe.. Care to know on how the origianal Australians look like?? Check this video out..=))

p/s: This video was taken during Diversity Week as what had been mentioned in my previous entry. Look at the way he moves his ass. Horror jugak kot2 kalau kain merah (cawat la tu kan) mamat yg dok terloncat2 tu tertanggal. Hohohoho..:p

Friday, April 23, 2010

Diversity Week

Good afternoon!!

Ciannye die asik kene tinggal sorang2 je lately..Blame me..blame me..I'm sorry okayy..But now I'm back!! Happy aite?? I know you will..=)) By the way, have you ever heard of Diversity Week in UOW?? I don't have any idea on what it is all about only until I got myself involved in this thing. This is the week when we celebrated the huge diversion in races, ethnicity, religion, origin, sexuality, gender, abilities and disabilities etc. As a proud Malaysian, MAS (Malaysian Association for Student Club) decided to join this activity in a way to promote our delicious Malaysian foods. So, on 21st April 2010, rakyat2 Malaysia di Wollongong sangatla berbesar hati sebab dapat lepaskan rindu dgn makanan tradisional, pakai baju kebangsaan, dan yg paling best, lagu2 berkaitan dengan negara kita berkumandang dengan bangganya di UOW..=))

My day started as early as 6am that day. I went to Kak Emy's house to prepare our famous karipap and burger Malaysia. Owh, all my way from my house to Kak Emy's, I think I looked like an alien walking around with my kebaya on. Apa tidaknya, pagi2 orang lain keluar jogging, dog walking, gardening and so on. I pulak jalan kaki dgn pakai baju yg bagi diorang sangat lah pelik and x sesuai dipakai di pagi hari. One of them said, "What a stunning dress you have full with embroideries (mula2 ayat manis puji la dulu kan). But don't you feel awkward walking in that skirt??" HAMPEH!!! kain batik tu dipanggilnya skirt. iyola pakcik!! I can't blame that pakcik though. Ye la, for them, wearing something like that early in the morning is something weird and unusual. They all had their jumpers, track bottoms, sweat shirts and even pijamas on, only me did the walking in my "alienated" outfit.

Kain batik yang dipanggil skirt

Bukti yang saya dok uli doh karipap..=))

Ok, back to the program, we set up our booth exactly at 12noon with all the delicious kuih displayed, Malaysian flag was proudly hanged, Malaysian songs were played, and colourful traditional dress worn by the committees. Owh, saya sungguh bangga!!! It really made me missed my beloved country. Start je event, booth Malaysia la yang paling ramai orang serbu. Free foods sapa yang tamau kan. Ada kuih bakar (Kak Azreen), seri muka (Kak Yati), popia basah (Kak Hajar), kuih sagu (Kak Faie), puding labu (Kak Fai), donat (Kelly), karipap and beger Malaysia (Me and Kak Emy). Yang paling best adalah teh tarik yang disediakan oleh Kak Yati and Abg Ariff. Paling mencabar nak terangkan kat mat salleh pasal ni la. Kitorang ckp nama air tu "pulled tea". hahahaha. padan muka dorang kena klentong!!:p

MAS executive members. Back row from left: Ilyas, Mira, Mad, Rauf. Front row from left: Jiwan, Fendi, Kak Emy, Baem. (Aint we look colurful??)

Quarter of the foods

Fendi while demonstrating our "pulled-tea"

The crowds

More crowds

Lepak2 lepas abis event. This is autumn people. the weather was just so perfect!

p/s: Being a Malaysian is something that I'm proud to let other people know. We're so rich in everything. Cultures, foods, places of interests and many more. Btw, all the pictures are taken from Kak Emy's FB. Thankss!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


Assalamualaikum Encik Diari,

Hari ni saye dgn bersemangatnye jalan kaki datang ofis dan bertungkus lumus buat keje sampai x sempat nak panggung kepale..(ok ok,I tipu..sempat check emails and FB and download satu lagu..teeheee..). Well, u know Friday is my meeting day with beloved Tim rite..So, right when the clock struck 12noon, I proudly walked to his room. Hoping to get all my problems solved. Ketuk punye ketuk, nobody answered. It was really silent in there. Hmm, he must be at the coffee area or restroom, I mumbled soundlessly..

I decided to wait at the hallway so that I would be able to see him in case if he comes back. After a couple of minutes of waiting, one of my colleagues who's working under the same supervision with Tim passed by. (and honestly I forgot his bad..sighss..). Dengan bangganye saye bagitau mamat tu yang saye sedang menunggu Tim. Suddenly, he told me that Tim is not around since last Tuesday and until next week.

Uwaaaaaa!!!rasa mcm nak jerit2 je.. It's not his fault though. Right after that guy told me that, then only I remembered reading Tim's email mentioning on his absence this week..tu la Amirah, lenkali nak buat pape fikir dulu..jangan main serbu ikut dan jek..kan dah frust.. Ok, sila ikut tips di bawah untuk hilangkan stress ni.ehehe..:p

(photo courtesy:

That's all about my frustration today. Kejap lagi ade appointment dgn Kak Emy lepak2 dekat Picasso. Regular hot chocolate 3 days in a row. Good job Amirah!! Sila jgn complaint kalau muka makin kembang..ngeeee..(^_~)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wedding Bell


Guess will be hearing the wedding bells soon?? or later?? I couldn't say much here. All I can tell is that the wedding is expected to happen somewhere around early next year if everything runs exactly as planned, InsyaAllah. I can't wait for the time to come. Hey, don't be so surprised honey. Well, no! Not me! Bukan saye yg akan berkahwin tahun depan okay.. Sila jangan salah sangke..hehe..

Remember about my brother's E-day that I mentioned not very long time ago? Alhamdulillah, everything went well and now Mai Nazura is officially engaged to my brother, Muhammad Hanif. I'm so glad to welcome her in the family and I'm sure that she's gonna fit in the family soon. Well Mai, eh salah, Kak Mai, welcome!welcome! You know how close and crazy we are rite? and I know that you wouldn't have any problem on how to make yourself comfortable around us..=)) Yeayy!! Mulai hari ini, saye akan ade seorang kakak (Ignore the difference in age ok sis!!teeheeee). Penat la asik jadi kakak je selama nie.. Kali ni it's your turn to act as my kakak..:p

Nothing much to say since I was not there to witness the ceremony. But I'm really proud to introduce my brother's fiancee aka my soon-to-be-kakak to you little sweetie. Check these photos (which were taken from FB) out..=)

Officially engaged: Muhammad Hanif & Mai Nazura

Momentous event: Mum with her first soon-to- be daughter in law

Sisters: Can you tell who's missing there?? Me, it's me!! =(

p/s: I'm so happy on behalf of my brother. Hope everything is gonna be as planned. I'll probably going back again for their wedding next year. yahuuuu!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fortran VS Maple

Happy!!Happy!!Happy!!I'm sooo happy today!!
Ok,now I can spill out everything. I went to see Tim just now (after 2weeks of not seeing him because he was away somewhere in Morocco or whateva). Well, I did checked on him yesterday, unfortunately he wasn't there. I really2 Need to show him my pile of "unsolved" works; stucked programming, a few Mathematical terms that I never heard in my life, half-derived numerical solutions and never ending reading materials.

So, I tried my luck again this morning straight away after I arrived at my office. I went to his room and could see the door was slightly open. Finally, he was there, yes!!!! I knocked on the door and he answered. Eventhough I was a bit nervous to see him without anything that I can be proud of, but I don't care. If I didn't see him today, I'm going to get my works abandoned for another 1-week because tomorrow is the start of Easter break.

I asked him a few silly-but-not-so-silly questions and showed him printed output of my stucked programming. He commented a few things here and there. Dalam hati ni dok menyumpah2. Nape die cakap laju sgt nie??? Dah la aku ni tak pandai bahasa Inggeris. Berpusing-pusing otak nak paham ape dia cakap. Pastu nak tangkap slang kampung Wollongong ni pulak. Aduhai..masalah2. Rasa macam bengong pun ada. Rasanya balik nanti Mesia nanti makin bengong English aku dok terikut2 Aussie accent nie.haisshhh!! Ok, that was exactly what I felt everytime I went to see Tim on our weekly regular meeting. Too bad rite..=(

Okay, that's not the point. Here comes the happy part. After he explained all the things that I need to do next, he said something that made my heart blooms like a balloon.hehe.. He said, "Well Amirah, should I give you my program written in Fortran so that you could use that as a guideline in solving yours?". Omg, he actually offered that?? Is this for real?? I still couldn't believe my ears hearing that. So I straight away answered him before he change his mind, "If it is okay with you, I would LOVE to have that". I stressed the word LOVE there. Dalam hati dah dok meloncat2 tak tentu arah dah. yess, yesss!!

You know what sweetheart?? It took me almost a month to come out with a couple lines of programming for this Camassa-Holm equation. And still, the result is wayyy too far from my desired output. So when he offered his program for me to refer and come out with my own programming using Maple, I felt sooo relief. At least I don't have to waste my time doing things that I'm not sure about..

p/s:Okay, that's all about my happy, happy day. Hari ni nak balik cepat, nak masak, nak makan!!yummie2!!=))